At the Zalckvar lab, we are pioneering new discoveries about peroxisomes and the diseases associated with them. We conduct innovative research to uncover the mechanisms that regulate peroxisome functions and their interplay with other organelles. Additionally, we aim to propel peroxisome research and empower the peroxisome community.
Our lab nurtures a collaborative, mentoring environment where all lab members are empowered to drive their scientific projects and professional growth.
In addition to our basic science research, we collaborate closely with clinicians, the biotech industry, and rare disease foundations to translate our findings into improved diagnosis and treatment of peroxisomal disorders. We strive to raise global awareness about these poorly understood diseases and make a positive difference in patients’ lives.
Join our young lab family as we unravel the mysteries of peroxisomes, train the next generation of scientists, and drive progress in combating rare genetic diseases.